Thursday, January 5, 2012

Schooner Three Friends ~ 9 February 1900

Annual Report of the Operations of the United States Life-Saving Service for the fiscal year-ending June 30, 1900:

Stranded at 10 p.m. on Royal Shoal, 8 miles NNW. from station. She was observed by station lookout early on the following morning and surfmen immediately pulled off to her in Monomoy surfboat. They took the crew of Three Friends into the surfboat, put their clothing and provisions into the schooner’s yawl, which they made fast to the stern of the surf boat, and then pulled back to station, towing the yawl. On the 11th station crew took the master off to the schooner, pumped her out, and ran out an anchor and hove a strain upon it. The master than went to Newbern to try to procure lighters. On the 15th surfmen tried to heave the schooner afloat, but were unsuccessful. On the 20th they boarded her again and found her full of water. At the request of the master they stripped her, putting the gear saved upon a schooner for transportation to Newbern. The hull was a total loss.

The lifesavers took the crew of three, along with their baggage and provisions, into the ship's yawl, and delivered all to the station: Captain A.T. Hopkins (owner); H.T. Wright of Laurel, Delaware; and Frank Swan of Baltimore, Maryland.

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